Lost In Shangri-La : A True Story Of Survival, Adventure, And The Most Incredible Rescue Mission of World War II
by Mitchell Zuckoff
On May 13, 1945, twenty-four American soldiers and WACs (Women's Army Corps) were taking a leisurely flight over the mountains of Dutch New Guinea when it crashed. Twenty-eight people were aboard and three survived. They landed in a jungle known to be swarming with headhunters who had never seen white men before. The two men and one woman who crawled from the burning plane had no idea how they were going to get out of their environs. Two of them were severely injured with horrible burns.
Back at the base camp, a rescue mission was being developed. It was very tricky due to the rough terrain. Eventually, it was decided that paratroopers would be used.
Sound like an exciting story? It was, at first. Unfortunately, there was a lot of repetition and too much filler. The tale could have been oh so very exciting, but it became oh so dry. I certainly was not on the end of my seat as some of the other reviewers have recalled. In better hands, this book could have been tremendous. The author has written several other stories and I bet that they're all equally ho-hum.
If you're a World War II fan and you enjoy reading about plane crashes and survival, you would probably enjoy this book. As for me, it was nothing great and nothing special.